Dyslexic Writer


writers with learning disabilities

Many use this word as a punch line

but if you are someone who has learned to live with an alternative perception, dyslexia is no joke.

Dyslexic Writer

As a dyslexic writer, I am blind to my own errors. Reading is a decoding process.  Therefore, I cannot find my own spelling mistakes, typos, or grammatical errors.  Once they are pointed out to me, they come off the page like a Mac truck.  Because of this, ‘SEND’  and ‘POST’ are the scariest functions of all.

Follow my journey growing up unknowingly dyslexic. 
Brutal Truth 1982: Sour Note
Sour Note -1981
1984 Brutal Truth
Fever – 1984
Dyslexic Writer; Brutal Truth 1986
Sad – 1986
Dyslexic Writer, panic over reading aloud
Panic – 1989
Dyslexic Writer; 1990 Brutal Truth. Fear
Fear – 1990
Dyslexia: Anger
Anger: 1992
Dyslexic: 1993
Anger: 1993
Dyslexic Writer; Brutal Truth 1995. Fraud
Fraud -1995

Support for writers with Learning Disabilities 

I am looking for writers who are fearful of sharing their work because of dyslexia.  My hope is to unite a community of writers with learning disabilities to provide a safe, judgment-free environment to exchange writing and share ideas.

If this is something you can relate to, I welcome you to subscribe, join the Dyslexic Writer through other social media or contact me anonymously.

Dyslexic Writer

Not all amazing stories are written by perfect authors and not every spelling error is indicative of a writer’s intelligence or work ethic.

Every author who has volunteered to read my book inevitably meets their error threshold and discredits me immediately.  My confidence has taken a beating but I refuse to give up.

I am not offering beta reading or editing.  This is only an opportunity to have your writing read through in its entirety as a way of evaluating the likeability of its content, plot, and characters. This would be in exchange for reading mine.

The Only Road

by Emily Wright

Insights on life's little screts according to MLE Wright