
Emily Wright Originals


Sacred Wish: A Holiday Poem



Migraine Headache
Shared Secret on Pain

Not Today

The Pit
Dark Reality of Depression

The Sapling: Her Stand

Creation: the birth day

Called Home – The echoes of grief are reminders of all loss.

Called Home
The Echoes of Grief: Called Home

Her Armor – The resilience and doubt of working moms in the face of the pandemic.

A mom’s resilience in the face of the pandemic

Still Youth – The destruction left by impaired driving

MLE Poem
Youth stilled on roadside.

Time – Shared Secret

Poem: Time
Sands of Time

Squall – Shared Secret

Shared Secret – Squall

Dying – shared secret

Tiny Threat – The force and will of the tiny and beautiful.

Humming Bird
Tiny and powerful.

Her strength
Emily Wright; Faded

Written 1999

Fragile, an Emily Wright Poem

Written 2001

Too Much - Emily Wright original poem
Too Much
Emily Wright; Poem
Depression Hurts
Emily Wright- original poem
Where will the rage go.

Christmas Wish

Insights on life's little screts according to MLE Wright