It ‘May’ Not be you!
Is spring overwhelming?
Last year this time, I felt completely overwhelmed. There was something every day. And by ‘something,’ I mean that one thing that has the potential to flick an entire day into a tailspin. It is imperative that I be hyper organized. I am a working mom who volunteers and my kids are enrolled in multiple extracurricular programs. My husband is the key to daily success. He is almost as essential as the over-crowded, colour coded, calendar.
One thing can derail everything!
A missed appointment, a car in need of repair, or a last minute meeting at the school can throw the entire schedule off kilter.
When that ‘something’ happens, it is like grasping at ink in water.
I juggle three and a half lives; mine, my 2 kids and 1/2 of hubby’s (this is a settled upon agreement). When a wrench is tossed into the mix, all the balls come tumbling down and pummel me into a migraine.
Last May, the dentist had left a friendly voicemail reminding me of an appointment for my son. Unfortunately, I was listening to the message at the exact time that we were expected in the office. I had been defeated and promptly fell apart. How could I have missed this? I am organized and put appointments in my phone and on the calendar! What made me ever believe that I was capable of managing 3.5 lives? Fail!
Determined not to have this happen again, I programmed a reminder of this dreadful month into my cell. It went off.
Brace yourself!!! It’s May! Mark everything on the Calendar!
I read this and laughed because I was on the ball. All scheduling was in order and under control.
![it May not be you](
A few days later, it happened.
May tends to inspire spontaneous activities. The nicer weather encourages teachers to hastily squeeze in last minute field trips, fund raisers, and short lived sporting events. Everything gets crammed into the last two weeks of May with very little notice to parents.
‘Short notice,’ ‘last minute,’ and ‘spontaneous’ are the sworn enemies of ‘A’ personalities and most highly functional moms (and dads)!
The long weekend in May is a common target date to launch meetings, first practices and exhibition games for summer sports and activities. It’s like a race to schedule before we all lose that Monday. All the while, spring programs are only counting down the number of weekly meets until the end of year celebration. This does not mention the everyday icons on your calendar; vet, dentist, doctors, birthday parties, oil changes, cleat shopping and on and on.
Double bookings are my favourite! You must divide and concur or you will never survive!
It is as if May just smiled with a head tilt and said….
“Happy Mother’s Day!”
Now, every appointment, activity, and obligation you have ever known will come crashing down upon you in the form of a voicemail, permission form, or smartphone notification.
What I am trying to say is, that it May not be you! You May be highly functional and uber organized; May is not. In fact, it was sent here to test our sanity and remind us that sometimes, some things just cannot be done.
You are not alone. May you remain calm and stress-free. June is on its way! Give yourself a break!