Top 10 to Karen

Karens are not born, they are a symptom of the times. A byproduct of the societal efforts to level the playing field. Have you encountered a Karen? Have you wondered what makes her tick?  

There is more to this explanation, however it does not apply to the following top ten as in no way does this article condone racism, bad haircuts, or the undeserved disrespect of others.

This is not a race or class issue. Its a generational thing.

As a middle-aged white Canadian woman, every day I struggle with my station in life. I understand how Karens came to be and some days I feel her taking hold. Here are the top ten situations that could cause any woman over thirty-five to become a Karen.

If tied up by a rather simple task, she could become a Karen.

Having to wrestle with a tank top, sports bra, or any other over-the-head garment can easily push her to the brink of sanity. Such a mindless, everyday skill has the potential to hold her up unexpectedly, suck precious minutes from her day, especially if she only air dried from her shower, and make her mental.That tight ultra-spandex material bounds and holds her up when it bunches in a roll under the pits yet above the breasts. Like a vice, it is a workout just getting the sucker on. Contorting her arms, twisting her body, and spitting profanities at the uncooperative attire could be the rise of the Karen. It is a wonder if she gets the thing in place without breaking a sweat or dislocating her shoulder.

Beat by a sports bra

If you slow her down in the left lane, she could become a Karen. 

The left lane of a three-lane highway is most accurately referred to as the passing lane for a reason. It is not to be confused with the ‘fast lane’ which does not exist. If you are in the left lane, are not passing, and someone is on your ass, get the hell out of the way. Move over! You do not get to police the speed of others by hovering just over the speed limit in the left lane. Look it up, PASSING LANE.

If given more to do, she could become a Karen.

When a customer service representative rhymes off a slew of things she needs after she finally found time to call about that faulty product, the new promotion she is entitled to, or that extra charge that appeared on her credit card. It is ‘Customer Service,’ Asshat! She has a full-time job, why don’t you do yours and take care of your customer’s request by providing the service your job title promises?

If she waits for pedestrians who cross when they shouldn’t, she could become a Karen. 

Foot traffic often mistakes the orange flashing hand as a countdown to how long they have to get to the other side. Wrong, just like with driving, yellow and orange mean caution, do not proceed, and do not begin to cross if you have not started. For those in mid-crosswalk, the countdown is the amount of time that everyone has to clear the intersection: pedestrians and vehicles alike. Rushing the flashing orange hand to the last second hangs the driver waiting to make a left out to dry! It forces them to run a red, block the intersection, and mess with everyone’s day. Parents, teach your kids the rules of the road as pedestrians before they become drivers. 

If you block her view, she could become a Karen.

Sit, stand, or meander in front of her when she had the good sense to show up early and land good seats, that ought to do it. Then strike up a conversation with the person beside you and violate that space between your heads which she is using to see. Speak loudly so she cannot hear, or better yet, pull out your gigantic iPad to record the entire show, which the organizers just announced would be available online after the event. 

If you do not let her in, she could become a Karen.

When drivers fail to understand the zipper effect; this is the practice that allows vehicles to proceed one at a time alternating lanes in concession, in the event one lane ends. One and one, one and one, until everyone gets through. You don’t get to tailgate the person ahead of you to prevent another driver, who has nowhere else to go, from getting in. Besides, if the Karen awakes, she will find a way into the space you are unwilling to give. Chances are she has a bigger vehicle, a better insurance plan, and an impeccable driving record that could withstand a fender bender. Can yours? Go ahead, make her day.

Disrespect her and she could become a Karen.

Don’t signal. Make your right turn without snapping on your indicator, as she waits to turn. Better yet, don’t even bother to slow down before making your turn, that should do it. Leave her sitting there with her blinker on spectating your horrific driving skills. Watching your inconsiderate dumb ass squeal around a corner on two wheels like she does not have somewhere to be, will earn you sign language commonly used by Karen, in the form of the middle finger. Yep, even with the kids in the car.

If you are a pain in the ass for no reason, she could become a Karen.

When her mother-in-law asks for tea, when offered a drink amidst a summer BBQ. Tea was never an option. Why? Because it is hot outside, it’s a party with cold drinks, wine, cocktails, frozen beverages, and everything but tea. At a time when there is no counter space  for the kettle nor does the host have time to boil water or steep a freaking tea because there are other guests to attend to. You know, the ones who knew NOT to ask for tea. 

If you demonstrate and participate in human stupidity, she could become a Karen.

Leave her waiting to take your parking space in the busy lot of Costco while you fasten your seat belt, check your mirrors twice, no – three times, put your membership card securely in your wallet, in your purse, in your bag that must go in the backseat fastened to a D-clip. Then eek out ever so slowly in a car that can drive itself. 

Or be that person who just walks away from your cart because you spotted a free sample three aisles over. Don’t move it to the side nor tuck it by a display, just walk away. Desert your cart so no one can get around you from either direction because they might run out! It’s not like you are in a warehouse or anything, where the inventory comes on skids. Really, what is the likelihood they are going to run out? It is not toilet paper at the beginning of the pandemic.

Without apology, empathy, appreciation, solutions, or diplomacy: tell her no. 

She used to work retail back when the customer was always right. She endured the abuse of shoppers who took the company policy rule as an invitation to be jackasses. This was before political correctness, inclusivity, bullying, or the Me Too movement had hit the scene. Underappreciated, underpaid, and ignored was the price of one day being the customer. Or so she was promised well before the world grew more fair for the marginalized and skipped her altogether. Tell her no, the woman who bends over backward to people please. 

Tell her no, the mother who taught her kids that there was no such thing as can’t. No and can’t are not in her vocabulary because it means trying harder or asking for help.

Tell her no out of laziness because you don’t want to put in the effort and then fail to offer her the opportunity to do it herself.  Tell her no without apology that she wasted her time, or it took everything she had to ask for help and was denied anyway.

Tell her no, and you just contributed to creating a Karen: middle-aged woman who worked her ass off to play by the rules, waited her turn, and earned the right to be noticed, heard, and respected.

No is like a fresh slap. Not only does it sting, the sudden jolting stop is jarring and it roots her to a place without answers or progress. A place she has unconsciously vowed to never revisit. 

No is uncomfortable. It may be the only response, however the delivery warrants so much more. No is a tiny word, one little syllable that requires the company of explanation. She is not a toddler who needs to understand the meaning of the word. She is a fully functioning adult, a perpetual problem solver who needs to hear why. 

That way she can decide if she has asked the wrong person, if she is capable to go it alone with the right information, or does she need to change gears and take up a new approach. Either way, ‘No’ tells her nothing. 

No on its own said to a middle aged woman is lazy, it lacks imagination, consideration, and respect. It underestimate her in an effort to shut her down. 

Some would argue, it is Karens who commit the top ten offences. To that, I say, they are not Karens, they are assholes. Karens are fed up and demand better because they were taught to do and give better. Somehow the effort to create a better world for us all has backfired on middle-aged women. The pendulum swung the other way and nailed her in the gut as she stood happy for the change.  She fights for equality, aims for inclusiveness, and pulls for diversity not wanting to be disrespected, dismissed, and discarded within the effort. 

Albeit some Karens are also assholes.

Wren Moxx would add that there’s one more situation that creates a Karen. A number 0, if you will.

Let there be Release

It is discouraging how much work a single orgasm is for middle aged women. One interruption, be it sound or thought could hijack the entire process. Everything has to go perfectly, the stats must align. No other enjoyable act requires as much dedication. One can watch a movie and not lose the plot with the chime of an incoming text. A delicious meal is no less satisfying with the thought of work. WTF is up with orgasms? Seriously. If only they could be as easily summoned as your favourite song or readily available as your most craved snack. Let’s face it, they take too long and requires far too much effort. For this reason women don’t have time, more specifically, they do not have the effort to waste to get almost there to have the neighbour’s barking dog derail the whole thing.

Lack of orgasms add to the Karen population. Overworked and stress middle age women need that release. 

For that, Sex, Drugs, and Working Moms is highly recommended. 

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